Is it Yarraville or Kingsville? No its Queensville!
Kingsville was the original name for the entire West Yarraville region. This region was later renamed either Yarraville (south of Somerville Road) or West Footscray (north of Somerville Road), with South Kingsville retaining its original name. In the late 1990s, the original name of Kingsville returned to the “wedge”.
Queensville Estate Heritage Area
The Queensville Estate Precinct is significant historically and aesthetically to the City of Maribyrnong and the Western Region of Melbourne. The precinct provides a distinctive physical expression of two important eras of residential speculation and growth in the area, the 1880s land boom and the post WW1 residential building surge, one overlaid on the other as expressed by: – timber Edwardian and Post First War era single storey detached timber housing on small and consistent lot frontages, – long narrow streets on a grid-iron layout, – dominance of the gabled roof form.